Personal Webpages
  1. Void Souls webpage [using simplecss]
  2. Single page html site
  3. Fancy Glassy Page [Animated]
  4. Webpage that displays books excerpts
  5. Quartz Garden
Not so Personal Websites
  1. Obsidian Garden for DevOps Notes
  2. Simple Notes directory CSSified
  3. RSS feed Reader
  4. Simple Guestbook/comment engine using js and php
Project for DevOps
  1. Woodpecker CICD on node js todo list app
  2. Deployment of yt-local container a flask app
  3. Containerizing static website with docker
  4. Deploying various docker containers on pubnixes
Web/Frontend Endeavours
  1. Using Flexbox for image gallery
  2. Making pinterest style layout for images
  3. Making CGI [bash + js] to change background image as desktop wallpaper changes
  4. Changing Website background with every reload
  5. JS script for randomly printing text file content from notes folder into home page.