when you launch tmux it creates server /tmp/tmux-1000 or /run/user/1000/tmux-1000/default (dont delete these file)

Tmux has typical layout of: server > sessions > windows > panes

Sessions tmux ls - lists sessions prefix + d - dettach session

Server tmux attach - connect to dittached server

basic keybinds prefix + $ - rename the session prefix + s - navigation menu prefix + c - creates new window prefix + , - rename the window prefix + 0-1 - jump to nth window prefix + n - jump between windows prefix + % - creates horizonatal pane prefix + ” - creates vertical pane prefix + arrows - navigate between panes

basic commands tmux new[tab] - creates new [tab options] tmux list-sessions - duh tmux kill-[tab] - kills [tab options]

prefix x - kills the pane prefix : - prompt for tmux commands and terminals

configuration ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf

unbind C-b 	# undbinds the default prefix key
set -g prefix C-space 	# sets the prefix key
>_ tmux source tmux.conf