2 Best tricks to Transfering Unifinished IDM downloads to Other PC

Trick 1:
  • Goto this location: (for windows xp) C:/Documents and Settings/username/ApplicationData/IDM/DwnlData (for windows vista): C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/IDM/DwnlData

  • copy unfinished file to your pen drive

  • Open the IDM

  • Select the Unfinished file

  • Goto Tasks > Export > To IDM export file

  • Save it with any name in your pendrive

  • Now Goto another computer IDM

  • Goto Tasks > Import > Import the exported file

  • Start Downloading the imported file

  • Pause Downloading when it starts Receiving all the Partitions

  • Now copy and replace the content of respective folders

  • Now resume the Downloading and it will work for sure.

Trick 2
  • Open Options > Save To dialog (Options > Downloads) for older versions and look what folder is set in Temporary directory field.
  • Save this folder somewhere in order to use it later.
  • Do the same for all categories download folders in order to save your completed downloads.
  • At the same dialog look what folders use for default download directories for each category. save these folders as well if necessary.
  • Export HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DownloadMana.. registry key and also save it.
  • On another computer import registry key that you saved.
  • Copy IDM temporary folder and all default download directories under the same path that they had on initial computer.
  • Run IDM.