First Install these packages

  • Open Terminal and type     sudo apt-get install figlet     sudo apt-get install cowsay     sudo ln -s /usr/games/cowsay /usr/bin/cowsay

  • After Installation done try to run commands first by typing

    figlet <your text>

Now you know how it works for more info type man figlet

     cowsay -f eyes “hi”

type man cowsay for more info See /usr/share/cowsay/cows for more templates

For Regular User Terminal

 - Open Terminal

  • Switch to root using su root command
  • Type leafpad .bashrc (leafpad is name of text editor it may be differs for your xed, gedit or nano instead)
  • Once .bashrc file opened scroll down to the last line where you found fi
  • Add one more line after fi line and add these lines:     figlet anything cowsay -f eyes "Welcome"
  • Now save the files and open new terminal as root to see changes

For Root Terminal:

  • Open Terminal
  • Switch to root using su root command
  • leafpad /root/.bashrc (nano is name of text editor it may be differs for you try xed, gedit or leafpad instead)
  • Once .bashrc file opened scroll down to the last line where you found #fi
  • Add one more line by after #fi and add these lines:
  figlet anything
  cowsay -f eyes "anthing"
  • Now save the files and open new terminal as root to see changes
  • Done, Now every time you open root terminal you will see your banner.